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Freshness and Hygiene Guaranteed

Thermoforming Fish Packaging: The Guarantee of Freshness and Hygiene

Fish and other seafood are among the most delicate foods that need to be delivered to consumers fresh and hygienic. This sensitivity makes the technologies used in the packaging process even more important. At Cehuma, ...
Plastic Films Used in Meat Packaging and Cehuma Solutions

Plastic Films Used in Meat Packaging and Cehuma Solutions

Meat and meat products are among the foods that need to be packaged correctly in terms of freshness and hygiene. Therefore, plastic films used in meat packaging play a crucial role in preserving product quality and ...
Enhancing Meat Packaging Efficiency with Cehuma's Thermoforming Machines

Enhancing Meat Packaging Efficiency with Cehuma's Thermoforming Machines

Welcome to our blog! Today, we're diving into the world of meat packaging and how Cehuma's innovative thermoforming machines are revolutionizing the industry.

Efficient Packaging ...

Optimizing FFS Machines for Dairy Products Efficiency

Optimizing FFS Machines for Dairy Products Efficiency

In the dynamic environment of dairy packaging, precision is vital. Enter the era of customized Form Fill Seal (FFS) machines, a game-changer in elevating efficiency across the entire dairy industry. These ...

Major Aspects of Fruit Yoghurt Form Fill Seal Machine

Major Aspects of Fruit Yoghurt Form Fill Seal Machine

In the world of food processing and packaging, innovation is the main key. One area where innovation has significantly impacted the way... 
Cehuma Termoform Gıda Paketleme Makineleri: CM Serisi ve YZ Serisi

Cehuma Thermoform Food Packaging Machines: CM Series and YZ Series

In today's ever-evolving food industry, meeting consumer demands and keeping products fresh for longer... 
Factors Affecting Food Shelf Life

Factors Affecting Food Shelf Life

The shelf life of a packaged food is the most critical aspect of food safety and quality. The shelf life of food products often means the period of time that the food... 
Which Plastic Materials are Suitable for Thermoform Vacuum / MAP Packaging

Which Plastic Materials are Suitable for Thermoform Vacuum / MAP Packaging

In bygone eras, the "golden times," a myriad of convenience products were vended without any wrapping or packaging, as the... 
Guidance on the Safety and Shelf Life of Vacuum and MAP Packed Products

Guidance on the Safety and Shelf Life of Vacuum and MAP Packed Products

In today's fast-paced world, the demand for convenient and longer-lasting food products has increased significantly. To meet this...
Increasing the Freshness of Seafood: The Power of Thermoform Vacuum and MAP Packaging

Increasing the Freshness of Seafood: The Power of Thermoform Vacuum and MAP Packaging

As seafood lovers, we all appreciate the taste and freshness of a perfectly cooked fish, a succulent shrimp or a well marinated salmon fish. But have... 
Thermoform Packaging of Poultry Products: Benefits and Best Practices

Thermoform Packaging of Poultry Products: Benefits and Best Practices

Poultry products are popular food items around the world, and their packaging plays a crucial role in ensuring their quality and safety. One of the most effective packaging solutions for poultry products is ...
What is the Shelf Life and Other Advantages of Vacuum Packaging

What is the Shelf Life and Other Advantages of Vacuum Packaging

Food Packaging The importance of food packaging is no need to underline since only a handful of foods are sold in an unpackaged state...
What is a Cup Water Machine (HFFS) ?

What is a Cup Water Machine (HFFS) ?

PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) Cup water , which is produced by a horizontal form fill seal machine , is now widely available for sale, and its consumption has risen dramatically over the past years. The growth in cup ...
What is Thermoform MAP Packaging

What is Thermoform MAP Packaging

Thermoforming is a process that heats up a plastic sheet to a certain temperature after then forming to a desired shape and then trimming. A thermoforming machine is an equipment that forms a sheet of plastic to a ...
Food Packaging for Increasing Shelf Life

Food Packaging for Increasing Shelf Life

In today’s world packaging of food is essential and common: essential because without packaging food safety and quality would be compromised, common since almost every food is packed in some way. Number one function of ...
Thermoform Modified Atmosphere Packaging

Thermoform Modified Atmosphere Packaging

Vacuum packaging of food products globally became common in use in late 1950’s and accepted by the market as a type of packaging to keep the food without degradation. Taking air out of the pack allowed food products ...
Shelf Life Increase by MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packaging)

Shelf Life Increase by MAP

After years of research and investigations ,now, it is quite clear that Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) inhibits the microbiological growth in red and white meat. Early scientific studies more than fifty years ago ...
Packaging Methods To Preserve Meat, Poultry and Fish

Packaging Methods To Preserve Meat, Poultry and Fish

The major goal of any packaging way for fresh muscle foods is to prevent or delay undesirable changes to the appearance, flavor, odor, and texture which is so called decomposition.
Factors Affecting the Shelf Life of Foods

Factors Affecting the Shelf Life of Foods

Protecting any food for a certain time of period without any change on its quality, freshness and taste is one of the biggest question for human beings since beginning of the history.
Vacuum & Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Dairy Products

Vacuum & Modified Atmosphere Packaging for Dairy Products

Temperature management and atmosphere modification are two majör factors in extending the shelf life of foods

Cehuma, Gulfood Manufacturing 2024'teydi!

5-7 Kasım 2024 tarihlerinde Dubai World Trade Centre’da düzenlenen Gulfood Manufacturing 2024, Cehuma için unutulmaz bir deneyim oldu. Otomatik paketleme makineleri, peynir sürülebilir dolum ve kapatma makinesi, bal dolum ve paketleme çözümleri gibi yenilikçi ürünlerimiz, ziyaretçilerden yoğun ilgi gördü.

Dolum ve kapatma makineleri, reçel dolum ve paketleme çözümleri ve peynir paketleme makineleri konularındaki teknolojik üstünlüğümüz, sektördeki profesyonellerin beğenisini kazandı. Ayrıca, dolum ve paketleme makineleri ile termal form vakumlu paketleme teknolojilerimiz, müşteri odaklı çözümler sunduğumuzu bir kez daha kanıtladı.

Cehuma İş Geliştirme Müdürü Sayın Mahir Ziyrek, fuar sürecine dair şunları belirtti:

"Bu yılki Gulfood Manufacturing Fuarı bizim için gerçekten çok verimli geçti. Yeni işbirlikleri kurmanın yanı sıra mevcut müşterilerimizle olan ilişkilerimizi güçlendirdik. Ürünlerimize olan yoğun ilgi, doğru yolda olduğumuzu gösteriyor. Yenilikçi çözümlerimizle sektöre katkı sağlamaya devam edeceğiz."

Fuar süresince hem mevcut hem de potansiyel müşterilerimizle güçlü bağlar kurduk. Yeni işbirlikleri fırsatlarını değerlendirdik ve global pazardaki lider konumumuzu pekiştirdik. Özellikle filling and packaging machine – dolum ve paketleme makinesi alanındaki yeniliklerimiz, sektördeki ihtiyaçlara yönelik benzersiz çözümler sundu.

Bu etkinlik, Cehuma’nın uluslararası işbirliklerini güçlendirmesi ve yenilikçi çözümlerini sergilemesi açısından önemli bir platform oldu. Fuardan edindiğimiz deneyimler, gelecekteki hedeflerimize olan inancımızı artırdı. Cehuma olarak, sektöre daha fazla değer katmaya ve global çapta başarılarımızı sürdürmeye kararlıyız.

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